Dessertilicious – Chewy Pumpkin Cakes

Dessertilicious - Chewy Pumpkin Cakes


Half size Japanese Pumpkin
2 bowls of Glutinous Rice Flour
¾ bowl of Wheat Starch Flour
Half bowl of sugar
Half cup of water
Packet of White Sesame Seeds for coating


Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and steamed until softened.
Mashed the pumpkin with a potato masher and set aside.
Combine all the flour ingredients thoroughly, then add sufficient water to form a pliable dough. By using the wheat flour, the dough will have a glossy sheen when cooked.
Cut the dough into small pieces and divide them into sections.
You can either shape them in round balls or rectangular.
Oil a metal tray or plate and steam the cake for about 3 to 4 minutes. Put the fork through the cake to see whether there is any stickiness. If not, its time to turn off the steamer.
By using glutinous rice flour and steaming the cake creating a chewy texture.
Pour sufficient white sesame seeds on a bowl and coat each piece of the pumpkin cake while hot. These sesame seeds stuck easily when its hot than cold.
Stored them in the refrigerator until ready to cook. This would also help to harden the cake and easily for deep frying.
Drain the pumpkin cakes on paper hand towel to drain excess oil before serving.

Author: flofoodventure

My passion for cooking and discovering food have prompted me to create this blog. Blessed with the gift of cooking and loving each dish I have prepared and simultaneously sharing these recipes with you. Cooking is not a job but a passion. Thank you for visiting my blog.