Steamed Black Garoupa


A perfect steamed fish has flesh that is just cooked at the bone and never dry.

The classic preparation of the dish is to top with scallions, cilantros and julienned  young ginger roots (optional).   I did not add the ginger slices for this recipe.

The final touch is doused with hot oil on top of the garnishes to release the flavour of the aromatics into the flesh of the steamed fish.


Fresh black Garoupa

Trimming the Fish

It takes skill to remove the backbone and ribs of a whole fish whether to split, butterfly or kit.

Butterfly removed most but not all the bones in a fish and creates a larger cavity for stuffing if required. The primary reason to butterfly a fish is to have the meat cook faster and at the same time a better presentation of the dish.


Steam the black garoupa fish for 10 12 minutes on high.

In a saucepan, prepare the sauce for the fish with the following:

3 tablespoons of Superior Light Soya Sauce

1 teaspoon Sesame Oil

6 tablespoons of water

1 small piece of rock sugar

Bring the sauce to a boil and set aside.

Garnished the fish will generous amount of sliced fresh red chillies and cilantros.

When the fish is fully cooked, discard the fish water from the steamer.

Transfer the fish to a serving plate, pour the sauce over the fish.

Add the garnishes and finally touch pour some hot cooking oil over the fish.

Serve immediately.


Author: flofoodventure

My passion for cooking and discovering food have prompted me to create this blog. Blessed with the gift of cooking and loving each dish I have prepared and simultaneously sharing these recipes with you. Cooking is not a job but a passion. Thank you for visiting my blog.