How to Cook Visual Appeal Cereal Buttered Prawns


The following method is to increase both visual appeal and the apparent size (circular shape and larger appearance) of these king size crustaceans.

Remove the rostum (prawn head)

  1. Remove the antenna (curly and long feelers)
  2. Remove the periopods (front legs) but retain the pleopods (hind legs)
  3. Cut off those telson (sharp spiky parts of the prawn tail)Most importantly,  all  you need to do is to use a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, starting from behind the prawn head, cut the shell along the middle portion of the prawn body and all the way to the tail to  reveal and remove the central  vein or the intestinal track.

Rinse well and set aside to cook.


Check out at this link for recipe.

Still maintaining the shells but much easily to remove when served.

Garnished with chopped fresh red chillies.



Prawn heads make a great base for  stock, so they are well worth keeping especially sea prawns.


For more prawn dishes, click here.

Author: flofoodventure

My passion for cooking and discovering food have prompted me to create this blog. Blessed with the gift of cooking and loving each dish I have prepared and simultaneously sharing these recipes with you. Cooking is not a job but a passion. Thank you for visiting my blog.